Volume 9 - بهار 85-                   mjms 2010, 9 - بهار 85-: 53-56 | Back to browse issues page

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Fesharakinia A, Taheri F, Saadatjoo S A. The prevalence of urinary tract infection in 7-years children of Birjand city: Screening of urinary tract infection in the children before attendance to primary school?. mjms 2010; 9 :53-56
URL: http://mjms.modares.ac.ir/article-30-4972-en.html
1- Birjand Medical University, Super Specialist in Pediatric Nephrology (MD), Birjand, Iran
2- Birjand Medical University, Pediatrician (MD), Birjand, Iran.
3- Birjand Medical University, Birjand, Iran.
Abstract:   (5934 Views)
Introduction and aim: Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection in children must be done before renal damage. So, in many countries the screening programs are done in the schools. There are a few reports on the prevalence of this disease among children in different parts of Iran. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of this infection in the seven years old children of Birjand city and determine the worth of recommending a screening program for the UTI before attendance to school ,this study was performed . Methods: 278 Students (148 boys and 130 girls) Were selected by multi stage cluster sampling. After filling the questionnaire ,urine culture was done. In those who had colony count above or equal 104 per ml and below 105, U/C was repeated. children with 105 colony count per ml had documented as UTI. Results: The prevalence of UTI was 1.1% in all students. The prevalence of UTI was 1.4% in boys and 0.8% in girls. There was not any significant difference in the prevalance of UTI between two sexex (P.Value =1). 68.9 % of the boys (102 persons) were circumcised. The prevalance of UTI was 1% in circumcised boys and 2.2% in uncircumcised ones. There was not any significant difference in UTI between these two groups (Pvalue = 0.53). the most common age of doing circumcision was six years old. We had only Ecoli in the results of all documented UTI. Conclusion: Regavding to a few information about the prevalance of UTI among children in different parts of Iran, it is better to conduct more studies to determine the worth of recommending a screening programs for UTI in pre-school age .We recommend giving more information and education to people about the best age for circum cision.
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Received: 2006/04/10 | Accepted: 2006/06/11

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