Nouri S, Movahedin M, Mazaheri Z. Effects of Mouse Paternal Age on Sperm Parameters, Reactive Oxygen Species Levels, Intraspermic Antioxidants and In Vitro Fertilization Results. mjms 2014; 17 (3) :93-103
1- Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7568 Views)
Objective: Oxidative stress as a consequence of aging can induce infertility in males. In this study, we have investigated the effects of aging on sperm parameters, intra-spermatic water soluble antioxidants, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and in vitro blastocyst formation. Methods: We chose 5 older NMRI male mice (10-12 months) and 5 younger NMRI male mice (2-3 months). Sperm parameters, ROS, soluble antioxidants level and in vitro fertilization rate were assessed in both groups. The results were analyzed by the independent sample and chi square tests. A correlation test was performed between ROS generation and soluble antioxidant levels. Results: Our data showed a significant decrease (P≤ 0.05) between sperm count, progressive motility and normal morphology. There was no significant difference in percent rate of in vitro fertilization, blastocyst formation rate, ROS and water soluble antioxidant levels between the two groups. We observed a significant difference (P≤0.01), linear and inverted relation between both groups in terms of ROS and water soluble antioxidant levels. Conclusion: Aging causes a significant decrease in sperm count, progressive motility and normal morphology. The relationship between intra-spermatic oxidant and anti-oxidants is significant, linear and inverted in both young and aging mice. Thus, high levels of water soluble antioxidants are followed by decreased ROS levels. This study has shown that age of the male mouse did not affect the percent rate of in vitro fertilization and blastocyst formation.
Article Type:
Original Manuscipt |
Histology|Anatomy|IVF Received: 2014/04/5 | Accepted: 2014/07/14