Volume 21, Issue 2 (2018)                   mjms 2018, 21(2): 65-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Adibfar A, Amoabediny ‎ G, Baghaban Eslaminejad ‎ M, Bagheri F, Zandieh Doulabi B, Mohamadi ‎ J. Preparation and Characterization of Smart Poly (N-‎Isopropylacrylamide)‎‌ ‌Nanoparticles Containing Vascular ‎Endothelial Growth Factor for Induction of Angiogenesis in ‎Human Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells ‎. mjms 2018; 21 (2) :65-72
URL: http://mjms.modares.ac.ir/article-30-3233-en.html
1- Life Science Engineering Department, New Sciences & Technologies Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, ‎Iran
2- Chemical Engineering Departmen, Chemical Engineering Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran , amoabediny@ut.ac.ir
3- Stem Cells & Developmental Biology Department, Cell Science Research Center, Royan Institute for Stem Cell ‎Biology & Technology, Tehran, Iran
4- Biotechnology Department, Chemical Engineering Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
5- Oral Cell Biology Department, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam & ‎VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:   (9256 Views)
Aims: Growth factor (GFs) delivery with the certain concentration and release kinetic is one of the main challenges in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was the preparation and characterization of smart poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) nanoparticles containing vascular endothelial growth factor for induction of angiogenesis in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
Materials and Methods: In this exprimental study, two different formulations of temperature-sensitive Poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized by free radical polymerization technique. Nanoprecipitation and diffusion methods were used to load the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in PNIPAM NPs. The effects of released VEGF on the differentiation of human bone marrow stem cells (hBMSCs) into endothelial cells in angiogenic, osteogenic, and 50% angiogenic-osteogenic culture medium were investigated, using flow cytometry and light microscope. Statistical analysis was performed, using the GraphPad Prism 6 software.
Findings: The nanoprecipitation process caused polymer degradation due to using the organic N, N-Dimethylacetamide solvent. The cumulative VEGF released after 72hours for 70%. A total of 10ng/ml VEGF released from PNIPAM nanoparticles, in 2D culture with cell density of 3×104 hBMSCs, after 7 days, leading to the endothelial differentiation, capillary-like tube formation, and expression of 20% vWF as angiogenic marker.
Conclusion: The PNIPAM NPs have the potential to load and release the angiogenic GFs for induction of angiogenesis in hBMSCs and in osteogenic medium.
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Article Type: Original Manuscipt | Subject: Biochemistry
Received: 2017/12/11 | Accepted: 2018/02/26

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